~ Health Coaching services ~

All programmes are designed around the client’s individual needs.

One-on-one Coaching programs


A fast-track programme designed to kick start your health and lifestyle journey.                                               

Duration: 4 sessions over 4 weeks.


A programme that offers more 1-on-1 contact and an enhanced level of support to steer you to success in your health and lifestyle goals.

Duration: 8 sessions over 8 weeks.


The ultimate programme providing serious transformation through in-depth support, coaching and accountability.

Duration: 12 sessions over 12 weeks.

Ad-hoc and maintenence Programs


A programme but rather quick and short, unplanned sessions that are required by existing clients should the need arise.                                                                                                                        

Duration: 4 sessions over 4 months.


A maintenance programme designed to support clients to maintain their goals once they have been reached.  This programme can be adjusted to be every two weeks should the client prefer.

No duration; but rather mini check-in calls.

School coaching programs

What is it?

Sanchia runs this programme with a fellow health coach, Lesley-Ann Legrange.  Being in the industry, they are constantly being bombarded with statistics and data relating to the mental and physical health issues that are becoming epidemic amongst our children today; eating disorders, anxiety and stress just to name a few.  Sanchia and Lesley’s extensive training provides them with the unique opportunity to be able to help guide these youngsters into taking control of their own well-being in a positive way.

Having 6 children between them, ranging in age from 24 – 8 years old, also gives them a very clear understanding of the hurdles that young people are facing on a daily basis.

They are passionate about equipping young people with the tools they will need to help them navigate the pitfalls of growing up, making life a little easier for them as they confront barriers that arise through their teenage and adult lives and so provide a safe, no judgement zone to allow the students to explore key areas of wellbeing.

What does it entail?

The programme will consist of 5 sessions running over 5 weeks.  Each session will be 45 minutes long, broken up into 3 x 15-minute modules.

The topics covered are;

  • My strengths
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Anxiety / Stress
  • Relationship Wellbeing
  • Mindfulness
  • Body Image

Group coaching programs

Practical Workshops

Group programmes will follow the same length / duration as either the Silver, Gold or Platinum programmes dependant on the groups requirements.


These talks will cover either a broad understanding of holistic health or can be tailored to cover any aspect of health and lifestyle wellbeing required.  A few of the topics clients might want to consider are:

  • Nutrition – Nutrition 101, biochemical individuality and the foundational principles of nourishing foods
  • Nutrition in the 21st Century
  • Understanding nutrients and superfoods
  • Detoxification and cleansing
  • Chronic disease and nutrition
  • Gut health and healing your gut
  • Hormones and hormonal imbalances
  • Immunity and autoimmune disease
  • Stress / anxiety and sleep
  • Exercise 
  • Relationship wellbeing 
  • Mindfulness / body image


You can contact Sanchia on either one of the following links; Phone, WhatsApp or email.

  • Standard payment terms for programmes require payment in full at the time of booking the first appointment.
  • A payment plan can be offered with 50% of the programme fee paid upfront and the remaining 50% paid one month later.
  • Once payment has been made, it is advisable to book a batch of programme appointments in advance.
  • To achieve maximum benefit, the programmes are designed to be completed within the allotted period.
  • If this is not possible (special circumstances may apply), however, it is essential that the programme be completed within a period of no more than 2 weeks over the programme’s allotted time.
  • Any outstanding sessions not taken beyond the programme period are forfeited.
  • Cancellations / rebooking: A minimum of 24 hours is necessary to cancel an appointment.
  • Notice of less than 24 hours may result in your appointment being forfeited.
  • Health Coaches focus on guiding, supporting and mentoring clients through their wellness journey in order to achieve sustainable health goals.
  • Supports clients to change their lives and get through complex life circumstances
  • Guides the client to find solutions for themselves
  • Aims to unlock client potential and maximise performance
  • Develops a solution – focused approach to client problems
  • Utilises coaching- specific skills and tools to help clarify client goals and overcome barriers
  • Helps clients learn for themselves instead of teaching them
  • Focuses on future-based solutions and moving the client forward
  • Utilises questioning, reflection, challenge and discussion to assist clients in finding solutions
  • Emphasises that the client is responsible for their own achievements

Unfortunately, health coaching is not covered by medical aid at this point.

If you or your family are struggling - get in touch!